Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fun Monday

Outdoors cat: Marsipan

Outdoors cat: Minnie

For you Ree readers, "the house of Addy"

Our 27 year old oak tree. A beauty.

The gazing ball into my future: it's beautiful blue! Perhaps you can see my reflection.

Here lie the pink flamingos.

This is what The Dust Will Wait has to say for today's Fun Monday:
I want to see what you see on any given morning this week; from somewhere very near where you live. Front porch, back porch, down the street, around the corner. Just make sure it's your neighborhood. Post a photo that will send me to the travel agent to book a weekend at your local Bed & Breakfast. Write a little or write a lot. Have fun.

This is the view of the road to our house. A view of the sky from our yard. I had to go to the dentist this morning, so I will edit this post later if I get a chance. I'm back from the dentist with a new crown. Not the kind you wear on your head though, the awesome one that goes in your mouth!!

Invisible Children of Uganda

Please watch this...

Invisible Children: The Proof 2006

Please watch this and think about what you could do to help.