AOJtheLurchers is the place to find all the Book Worms for Mon Funday. Clink the Link to find out who's reading what.
Here's the challenge: OK, I know that pretty much all of you out there are bookworms.
So for Fun Monday on 2nd February, firstly tell me what book you are reading now. What's it about? Are you enjoying it and why? If not, why not?
And secondly, if you were to be stranded on a desert island, what one book would you take with you.
I am reading a few books right now.
I am reading "Hannah Coulter" by Wendell Berry for a blog book club called Hannah Coulter Book Club for Copy Cats started by Lynn in Wi. Hannah is a member of Port William, Kentucky. She is twice widowed, alone, and in her seventies when she recalls her childhood, young love and loss, and raising children. She has strong opinions (some of the author) about old ways and how they should remain. It is interesting to get the insight of an older generation. It gave me some understanding and good thoughts to remember.

I am reading "About the Author" by John Colapinto for another blog book club called the PMS Book Club started by Holly of AFF.
I'll give you the back page: "Just how did Cal Cunningham-a twenty-five-year-old bookstore stockboy who is new to Manhattan and who has never written anything---publish a bestselling novel that sells to the movies for a million dollars?" "About the Author" is his first-person account of how he performed this remarkable feat." It reminds me of the book "A Bear Went Over the Mountain."

I am reading "The Reader" by Bernhard Schlink. I thought the movie looked interesting, so I decided to read the book first. Then I will go see the movie. Again, I will give you the back of the book description: "When fifteen-year-old Michael Berg falls ill on his way home from school, he is rescued by Hanna, a woman twice his age. In time she becomes his lover, enthralling him with her passion, but puzzling him with her odd silences. Then she disappears. Michael next sees Hanna when she is on trial for a hideous crime, refusing to defend herself. As he watches, he begins to realize that Hanna may be guarding a secret she considers more shameful than murder." Sounds pretty interesting, right?

I am reading "Facing Your Giants" by Max Lucado for my Sunday School class. I'm sure that everyone has heard of Max Lucado or even has had a yearly calendar with his quotes. Here is the account from the book: "David's life story is punctuated with nevertheless. The runt of eight brothers, nevertheless, he was chosen to be the King of Israel. Nicknamed "Twiggy" by his nine foot nine inch adversary, nevertheless, he slew Goliath with a strip of leather and a pebble. As king, he committed the double crime of adultery and murder, nevertheless, he was called "a man after God's own heart." Do you need a nevertheless to be written into your biography? Fortunately, God has plenty to go around."

For more Fun Monday participants, go here.