Monday, September 22, 2008

Just Calvin

This is a new kitten named Calvin.  My brother has a mama
cat who has had six litters in the past year or so.  He wanted
me to take this little kitty.  He will live outside with the other
three cats we have.  One of my cats is named Hobbes, so I 
decided this one should be Calvin.  After I had him for a few
days I decided he needed one of his brothers or sisters to keep
him company.  So today my brother brought me his little 
sister.  I will show a picture of both of them soon.  Hobbes is
a year older and he hasn't gotten used to Calvin yet though I'm
certain they will soon be sleeping together this winter.  The
two big girl cats do not like kittens.  But it's ok as they live
mostly in the front yard.  And kittens stay in the back yard.


Quarantine Hobby said...

Aww..he's so cute! I love the names Calvin and Hobbes!

That D&G purse you bought? SO cute. I'm jealous.

my4kids said...

He's so cute! We just got a new kitten last week also

tj said...

...Oh what a sweet face and I love the name! "Calvin & Hobbes" was my fav' comic strip...

...Blessings... :o)

Unknown said...

So cute!!! =)

Ingrid said...

What an adorable kitten !
I think your brother should get the mammas spayed ! Otherwise he will have 100 of kittens and what to do with them all ?

BOSSY said...

That thud you heard was Bossy fainting from Cute.

Sandy said...

I love babies! Thank you.

A Spot of T said...

Awww he's so cute! Look at those pretty eyes. And I laughed at the names Calvin and Hobbes. Which just happens to be my favorite comic strip LOL

Anonymous said...

Aww, he's adorable, and I like his name!