Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard Brings out Memories

I never read the Little House books until I home-schooled my children. We read through the series and I cried at the appropriate places (couldn’t help it). That blizzard was the saddest part. I thought they were so brave and strong. We also loved the series on tv with Michael Landon. I have all the books. The Long Winter was all about the blizzard. Here is an excerpt:

“This life is a difficult riddle,

For how many people we see

With faces as long as a fiddle

That ought to be shining with glee

I am sure in this world there are plenty

Of good things enough for us all

And yet there’s not one out of twenty

But thinks that his share is too small.

Then what is the use of repining,

For where there’s a will there’s a way.

And tomorrow the sun may be shining,

Although it is cloudy today.

Do you think that by sitting and sighing

You’ll ever obtain all you want?

It’s cowards alone that are crying

And foolishly saying, ‘I can’t!’

It is only by plodding and striving

And laboring up the steep hill

Of life, that you’ll ever be thriving

Which you’ll do if you’ve only the will.”

On the Banks of Plum Creek has a chapter about The Long Blizzard in it too.

My favorite books from childhood were the Little Women series. I loved Jo so much. I also loved Heidi. But I believe my favorite books as a child was The Boxcar Kids. I could make-believe that life all day!

Also we had a magical time in the fourth grade with our teacher Mrs. Gray. She would read to us after lunch for an hour. She read Silver Chief Dog of the North by Jack O'Brien to us. We waited excitedly every day for her to continue the story. I loved that book and that woman.


Pamela said...

I missed Silver Chief. REad all the others.

Quarantine Hobby said...

I LOVED the Little House books when I was younger. This has made me want to re-read them, though I may wait until Alex is old enough so we can read them together :)

~sWaMpY~ said...

OK. Now, you've motivated me to get my Kiddie Lit Anthology book down and start reading those wonderful stories.
I loved "Old Yeller," "The Incredible Journey," just to mention two.

Anonymous said...

Our grand kids come here every day after school, and their favorite thing to watch is "Little House on the Prairie". I usually brew myself a cup of coffee in my keurig b70 single cup brewer and watch with them, crying and laughing at the appropriate times too!

~sWaMpY~ said...

Where are you, galfriend ?
Miss seeing and hearing from you.
Just so you know, a new American Idol scorecard is up and running at my place.
Time for you to put in your two cents worth . . . whether you've been watching or not.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that you never read the Little House books until you homeschooled your kids... I never read the Boxcar books until I homeschooled mine. LOL!